1. Introduction. Course overview. What is computer graphics? GPU overview (1/31)
Harvard Extensions School, CSCI E-234 of Spring 2007. OpenGL / GLSL, computer graphics. Offline rendering vs. Interactive rendering, rise of GPU graphics. App -> API -> driver -> GPU (driver sends commands to GPU). Graphics Pipeline: App -> Cmd -> GPU, where GPU was: Geometry -> Rasterization -> Fragment -> Display. Move from Fixed Function to Programmable Pipeline: VS -> RS -> FS (ogl FS = dx PS). Vertex Shaders, Pixel Shaders => grfx more like Ray Tracing. 2011 updates… dx10 added GS, dx11 added T* & CS. Dx11 Pipeline: IA -> VS -> (HS -> TS -> DS) -> GS -> RS -> PS -> OM. Or GPGPU such as OpenCL and DirectCompute (dx CS). Modern API (software) has Unified Shader Model. Modern GPU (hardware) has Unified Shader Architecture.
Topics: interactive 3d grfx, OpenGL grfx pipeline, special effects (bump maps, shadows, etc). Ray tracing (off-line render). Fundamentals (light, color, camera models, bezier splines, etc). Books: OpenGL Programming Guide 4th Ed (red book) (isbn 0023548568), Computer Graphics Using OpenGL by Francis s. Hill Jr (isbn 0201604582), others suggested. Weekly class 2 hours, weekly sections 2 hours (sadly, these weren
mepem37 :: 2011/12/10 (Saturday, December 10, 2011) ::
CG intro Harvard, class videos ::
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