Lua Progress and More
In the past few weeks, Spiffy has done a lot of work implementing and testing a first pass of the per-quest Lua for 00-HQBase_US (the base 14 quests), and he’s started on 01-KellarsKeep_US and 02-ReturnOfTheWitchLord_US. Spiffy has more of an art background, and he’s motivated to learn more code, so I’ve been working with him in Discord chat. It’s also motivated me to do some review; for example I’ve started reading volume 1. Actually, I’ve sometimes missed having study partners like I did in college and as a new grad to talk about material I’m learning or reviewing.
Spiffy has also reported and helped motivate me to fix a few small bugs and missing features. Letters can be in hallway; Letter is associated with a square (in addition to a room). Fix nullptr crashes. Implemented DoorIn and DoorOut for Kellar’s Keep and Witchlord. And others.
We’re using git on bitbucket, and he’s working in a separate branch, so I’ve been doing sync/merge in bitbucket.
mepem37 :: 2020/05/27 (Wednesday, May 27, 2020) :: HeroQuest, Unreal Engine :: No Comments »